Discount codes for Micro players turning 7 in 2016 and Grade 8 players turning 14 in 2016

Discount codes for Micro players turning 7 in 2016 and Grade 8 players turning 14 in 2016

May 17, 16
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IMPORTANT:  If you have a player turning 7 in 2016 who will be entering 1st grade (playing Microsoccer) this coming fall (usually the kids born between September-December 2009), please contact the registrar at before registering.  Because of changes in the online program, they will be charged the 2nd grade fee.  The registrar will provide you a discount code to use when registering that will result in you only being charged the Microsoccer fee.

Similarly, if you have a player turning 14 in 2016 (usually kids born between September-December, 2002) who will be entering 8th grade, you may be charged the High School Rec fee because of changes in the online program.  Please contact the registrar at before registering to obtain a discount code.

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