Microsoccer schedules and field maps available online

Microsoccer schedules and field maps available online

Aug 08, 17
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Thanks to all our microsoccer players who came to the jamboree on August 24. We are looking forward to the start of our micro season on Tuesday, September 5th from 5:30-6:30.  Our boys teams will be playing at PCC-Rock Creek and the girls at Somerset West Park.

Field maps and schedules can be found online at the following links:

Maps – http://www.somersetwestsoccer.org/wp/?page_id=22

Schedules – http://www.somersetwestsoccer.org/wp/?page_id=20

Microsoccer rules are found at the following link:  http://www.somersetwestsoccer.org/res/MicroSoccerRules.pdf

Remember that pictures will be on September 16 at Rock Creek Elementary.  We should have a picture day schedule by the end of the first week in September.

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