SWSC Fall season cancelled – thank you for your patience and see you next safe season

SWSC Fall season cancelled – thank you for your patience and see you next safe season

Aug 18, 20
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Due to the continuing pandemic, our parent league, THJSL, has determined that league games cannot be safely conducted and has cancelled the fall season that was due to start on September 14.  While the league has indicated that clubs could potentially run their own internal programs this fall, the SWSC board believes we cannot do it safely and in full compliance with public health and other government guidelines and has decided to cancel our fall soccer activities including all practices.

Our commitment is to the health and safety of our families.  Given the continuing community spread of the COVID-19 virus, the move of BSD to a full online model until at least November 13, lack of field availability from THPRD, and the large geographical area encompassed by our club (6 elementary school areas from Lenox to Springville to Elmonica), we don’t feel it’s in the best interest of our soccer families to return to group activities at this time.  We understand that this is disappointing to many people (including ourselves).; however, the top priority for us needs to be to support whatever is needed to keep our families safe and to enable our kids to get back to a physical school presence (even if just hybrid) as soon as possible.

All registrations for the current season will be cancelled and no registration fees will be charged.  You may receive a notification from Affinity, our online provider, when your cancellation is processed.

We encourage everyone to continue practicing and playing soccer within your families whether it is in your backyard or at a neighborhood park.  We are fortunate that soccer requires only a ball to play and can be done almost anywhere.  Please make time to help your kids get exercise and practice their skills – you don’t need to be a coach! 

There are some local programs and many resources available to help.  Here are a few:

We look forward to seeing everyone as soon as a safe season can be held, whether it be in the spring or next fall.  Please take care and stay safe.  If you have any questions, please let us know via an email to Stu (president@somersetwestsoccer.org) or Jan (registrar@somersetwestsoccer.org).

Thanks for your patience throughout this challenging time.  We will continue to update our webpage and social media sites as we get more information on plans for a season in the future.

Your Somerset West Board

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